Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The end before the begining

I've decided not to continues this blog, not that I cared that much and no one was even farewell =)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Framework

For the past eight weeks of my summer I've been working for a PI( no, not a private investigator, a principal investigator of medical research) and she is the farthest thing from what I imagined she would be when I first asked her about the position. In fact when I saw her name I didn't know whether she was male or female so I googled it and found her facebook account, that was the moment I realized I wasn't dealing with a quiet 50 year old woman who would give me a lecture about women in science, I mean she had to be young enough to not feel strange with having a facebook right? Still I wasn't ready for her. It turned out she was about 32 with a two year old son named Pierre(wtf?), had red streaks in her hair, and was apparently raised by sailors, I never would have guessed it but that combination makes the best type of boss!

In order for you to get the most out these stories I guess I should try and paint a picture of how the hierarchy works(well at least as it pertains to me):

-1st there is my boss who signs her emails M so that's who she'll be
-2nd is SB who is not really in charge of me but has worked in the clinic doing the same thing all year
-3rd ME! I'm like M's assistant I work and manage of the paperwork and out sourced workers(nurses, database ppl, and DNA extractors)
Now there are a host of other ppl who we have to work with to get things done, but the most important who I forgot to mention are the doctors who's patients we're enrolling as subjects in our studies.

I just hope you can enjoy the drama that is my life in this hospital.


So I've given up on this little project cause I refuse to watch Superman Returns and Dreamgirls again, but lucky for you I've been inspired by something I think is much more entertaining...the people I work with and all of the crap they say to and about each other!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

2 down

I will post my thoughts on the movies in the morning, but this might be harder than I thought cause I just got the next movie and it's Superman Returns...Yuck! I just remembered why I haven't watched some of these movies in years they're just bad. This is going to be rough but Superman Returns here I come!


Oh when I said heart wrenching television, I forgot to mention that I like the lifetime channel and Battlestar Galactica!

Join Me!

I've already spent way too much time watching T.V. this summer, well actually my entire why not share the love! Summer time television is not something I would exactly call heart wrenching, but still I've spent the last three months watching it. It didn't hit me until now that my mom has a huge movie collection and I haven't watched some of these movies in years, that's when I came up with the idea to watch them all. Unfortunately I've already wasted pretty much all of my summer so I'm down to two weeks and I'm determined to finish all of these 150+ movies before I leave home again! So if you're up for the challenge join me. I don't know how I'll do but I will!